Author: Manahil Ali

Hey there! I'm Manahil, a passionate writer and AI enthusiast. Originally from Chakwal, I am a Pakistani by heart and soul, navigating life in the vibrant city of Sharjah, in the United Arab Emirates. My mission is to unravel the complexities of artificial intelligence through my articles, making it not only accessible but also captivating. Join me on this journey as we explore the captivating landscape of AI together.

Decoding Injustice: How Hidden AI Bias Proposes Fatal Outcomes for Black Individuals

Manahil Ali Manahil Ali

The article aims to shed light on the intricate ways in which AI and machine learning algorithms exhibit language bias against Black individuals, not through overt racism but through subtle, systemic discrimination embedded in ... Read more

Clue Period App Review

Manahil Ali Manahil Ali

Clue Period Tracker & Calender ★★★★★★ Connect With Clue: OVERVIEW: Clue Period Tracker is a comprehensive AI app designed to empower individuals to live in sync with their menstrual cycles. AWARDS: Explore the different ... Read more

Neuralink’s Human Trials: Balancing Progress and Humanity Amid Ethical Concerns

Manahil Ali Manahil Ali

Explore Neuralink's pivotal human trials, addressing ethical concerns in neurotechnology. Uncover the intersection of technology and ethics, weighing the balance between progress and humanity. Dive into the ethical landscape of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), privacy ... Read more

AI Identity Crisis: Is Your Virtual Assistant Rocking a Masculine Beard or Feminine Elegance?

Manahil Ali Manahil Ali

In the field of AI, gender may seem irrelevant, but virtual assistants often exhibit feminine traits intentionally. This perpetuates gender stereotypes and biases, requiring a reevaluation of AI development practices for fairness and inclusivity. Read more

AI in Hiring: Ensuring Fair and Inclusive Practices

Manahil Ali Manahil Ali

We all know that hiring the right folks is crucial for a successful team. Now, with the magic of Artificial Intelligence, things are getting even more exciting. But we must ensure this AI in ... Read more

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