Author: Rifki Aria

Rifki Aria: As an AI enthusiast with six years of experience as a professional researcher, I believe that everyone should have equal opportunities to benefit from AI. My interest lies in how AI sparks ethical discussions and poses as a new, non-traditional threat to international security measures.

How AI Changes the Definition of Work Itself

Rifki Aria Rifki Aria

Explore how AI is reshaping the very nature of employment and what it means for your future. As AI integration in the workplace soars, understand the roles it might automate and how it could ... Read more

AI Inclusive: Empowering Tomorrow’s Innovators Through Diversity in Tech Education

Rifki Aria Rifki Aria

Exploring dynamic programs and initiatives aimed at promoting diversity in tech education, showcasing how inclusive learning environments are shaping the future of AI and machine learning. Read more

How the Clarke Family Cube Case Reminded Us of Our Vulnerability to Fake AI-Generated News

Rifki Aria Rifki Aria

When a series of images containing a family portrait, a design of a cube, and a narration of how the family ended inside the cube went viral, millions of people believed in it without ... Read more

IMF: AI may Exacerbate Inequality among Advanced and Low-Income Economies

Rifki Aria Rifki Aria

The latest IMF report, 'Gen-AI: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work,' projects that AI development may replace at least 60% of jobs in advanced economies and 40% in low-income economies. In this context, ... Read more

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