Powering Progress: The Impact of Innovation and Sustainability

Catherine Oyiliagu Catherine Oyiliagu

This article aims to shed light on the significant energy consumption associated with cutting-edge AI technologies, such as those developed by OpenAI. It will explore the balance between the remarkable capabilities these technologies offer, ... Read more

Breaking Barriers: How AI Helps People with Disabilities Access Healthcare

Shagun Sharma Shagun Sharma

In more developed countries, individuals with disabilities may encounter challenges such as inaccessible websites for booking appointments or a lack of sign-language interpreters during medical consultations. Conversely, in less developed counterparts, the obstacles can ... Read more

Beyond Beta: The Future of GPT Plugins and Their Evolution into Standalone AI Solutions

Asad Tipu Asad Tipu

Explore the implications of the closure of the GPT Plugin beta. This article delves into what this milestone means for the future of conversational AI, including insights from AI experts, alternative tools, and the ... Read more

How AI Changes the Definition of Work Itself

Rifki Aria Rifki Aria

Explore how AI is reshaping the very nature of employment and what it means for your future. As AI integration in the workplace soars, understand the roles it might automate and how it could ... Read more

Towards Fairer Hiring Practices: Strategies for Mitigating Bias in AI-driven Recruitment

Shagun Sharma Shagun Sharma

Exploring effective strategies and best practices for mitigating biases in AI-driven hiring processes, including algorithmic auditing, diverse dataset collection, and algorithmic transparency. Read more

Decoding Injustice: How Hidden AI Bias Proposes Fatal Outcomes for Black Individuals

Manahil Ali Manahil Ali

The article aims to shed light on the intricate ways in which AI and machine learning algorithms exhibit language bias against Black individuals, not through overt racism but through subtle, systemic discrimination embedded in ... Read more

How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing Children Healthcare

Shagun Sharma Shagun Sharma

Exploring the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on pediatric healthcare, focusing on how these technologies improve diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes for children. Read more

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